Friday, August 29, 2008

Republican conspiracy?

For eight long, brutal years, we've had to undergo the slaughtering of the English language by our Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush. Each time the man speaks, he commits further atrocities and random acts of linguicide.

Clearly, though, the most common offense is his hacking of the pronunciation of the word "nuclear."

Christ, even the Russians know how to pronounce it...

Apparently, though, Bush is not alone. In today's vice-presidential nomination acceptance speech, Alaska governer Sarah Palin did the same thing.

The same damn thing.

Are they truly not aware that the word is "noo-klee-ar" and not "noo-kyu-lar"? Did the VPnom simply not want to contradict her boss? Is she trying to toe the line?

Or is it something more insidious? Watch, if you dare...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Well, here we go.

I fought, I rallied, and I mocked the entire idea of a blog. Fuck, the very word itself sounds like sounds I made into my toilet during my younger, inebriated days, when I'd drink Jameson and Black Haus like it was being taken off the market, only to wake up with my face in the porcelein bowl and my hand in a pool of my friend's piss.

Yet here I am. I don't know why I'm here. I don't really know what it was that prompted this. Maybe because it seems like I'm one of the last people in Radio-Free America to have one of these contraptions, and the one I've got on Myspace simply seemed too limiting. Maybe becaue I rather miss having a journal of some kind. Maybe because I like having a place to sound off, and the message boards I currently frequent aren't really the proper places in which to do so.

So what can you expect here, you ask? Really, whatever the fuck I feel like. If I buy cool action figures, I'll post pictures, probably. If I read a good book, see a good movie, I'll probably write about it here. If I ever decide to dust off my camera again and take photos, I'll upload them here, too. Bad days, good days, you name it... it'll be here.

May fortune favor the foolish...