Friday, August 29, 2008

Republican conspiracy?

For eight long, brutal years, we've had to undergo the slaughtering of the English language by our Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush. Each time the man speaks, he commits further atrocities and random acts of linguicide.

Clearly, though, the most common offense is his hacking of the pronunciation of the word "nuclear."

Christ, even the Russians know how to pronounce it...

Apparently, though, Bush is not alone. In today's vice-presidential nomination acceptance speech, Alaska governer Sarah Palin did the same thing.

The same damn thing.

Are they truly not aware that the word is "noo-klee-ar" and not "noo-kyu-lar"? Did the VPnom simply not want to contradict her boss? Is she trying to toe the line?

Or is it something more insidious? Watch, if you dare...


  1. Hell, I live in Kansas. You have NO idea how many times that I have to correct people on their pronunciation...

    "Boy, The Folks in WARSHington, they shore love ther New-Q-ler weppons."


  2. It IS a red state... :D

    You know, not too long ago, people'd up be in arms about that...
