Keeping Christmas in my heart, as it were, hasn't been particularly easy the last several years. As many of you know, Mom died on December 16, 2004 -- nine scant days before Christmas. December 16th also happens to be my son's birthday, and this year he'll turn 13. (December 16, 2004 was also the day that Chris's twins were born... busy day, that.)
Her death on his birthday kinda cast a pall on the season for a while. Oh, don't get me wrong -- I've decorated, and I've celebrated, because that's just what you do, and Mom loved Christmas so fucking much that to do anything else seems a dishonor to her memory.
As I'm sure some of you remember, Christmas at my house when I was growing up was so damn festive that, if Christmas were a person, Mom would have been arrested for stalking. There were cardboard cut-outs galore, and garland, and lights, and statues, and figurines, and mistletoe and holly... and the coup de grace, of course, was Mom's Santa Claus collection which, at its height, featured more than 200 figurines of the jolly old elf. But it was homey, it was festive, it was open to everyone, and it is what I think of first and foremost -- and thus what I miss most dearly -- when I think of Christmas.

This year marked the first year that Justin honestly and truly wanted to decorate for Christmas. His spirits being brightened have certainly lifted mine, and thus this was the first year I truly enjoyed decorating MY meagre accommodations in a very long time.
It's not much -- it's not nearly as much as when I owned a house, to be sure -- but it makes me happy.
So, without further ado, here are some pictures of this year's holiday goodness.
Away in a Manger
Traditionally, I don't do a lot of religiocentric decorating, but every year until I die I will put up this Nativity. The manger, you see, was built by my father, long before I was born. And the figures were cold-cast and painted by my mother, in 1986. I remember coming home from school, every day for like a month, and mom would be busy at work, painting and detailing this figure and that, getting the textures just right on the camel's hair, or adding little beads to one of the wise man's crowns, or getting the biggest kick out of the fact that she painted one of the wise men black. (Hey, it was 1986, and it was Hammonton. Cut her some slack, wouldja?!) This is the ONE thing I possess that my parents both made, and that makes it extremely special to me.
Winter Wonderland
I think Mom always got a kick out of my love of diners. I've been a diner rat since my Junior year of high school, when Jim Mento showed up with his new license and took Chris and I to the Harley Dawn for the first time, because he really wanted eggs. Bottomless coffee? Really? Glorious, we said, and thus began my lifelong love affair with the stuff. To make me happy (Mom always wanted to make us kids happy on Christmas, or what was the point?) she bought this little item, and I've put it up every year since her passing becuase it's just so damn cool. :)
I live in an apartment, which often sucks. I don't have a roof to decorate, I don't have enough lawn space to put up my blow-up Santa Homer, and I don't have a driveway to line with giant plastic candy canes.
All I've got is my hallway. But at least I've got that, and I always try to make the best of it.
See what I mean?

I bought this, I think, at either WalMart or Shop Rite. I thought it was cute.

This metal sign isn't nearly as old as it looks. Mom bought it sometime in the 80s, I believe, because it had a nice retro look to it. I agree, and it goes well with the first sign.

Helena and I made this wreath last year, with bits and baubles we bought at AC Moore. We had so much fun making it that we made one for my dad, and one for my grandfather, too. I have no idea if they're putting theirs up this year, but I sure as hell did.
You're a Mean One...
The Grinch was Mom's, and it's probably older than some of you reading this right now. Both Donald and Homer are all mine. (And the cool thing about Homer is that there's a button you press that makes him dance and say seven or eight wacky phrases. My current favorite? "Oh, Cruel Fate, Why do you mock me?!")
Here Comes Santa Claus...
Like I said, my mom once had an impressive collection of Santa Claus figurines. Upon her passing, though, there was just no way any of us could keep them all, sadly. At her estate sale, Annie took some, as did Debbie, and I took the ones that I either bought her, that I thought were cool, or that held some special meaning for me. I've added the occasional Santa-esque figurine -- and I'm sure you can pick those out -- but the vast majority come from her collection.
(Left to Right) Santa Donald, Chicago Bears Santa, North Pole Express, Jack Skellington and Elf, Santa Snowman, Polish woodcarved Santa, Bedtime Santa, Kiss the Claus Santa.

Jingle Bells, Batman Smells...
My Christmas decorations, of course, would not be complete without something Bat-related...
This is a Christmas plate done a few years ago by Alex Ross. In the foreground is a scene from "A Charlie Brown Christmas," released several years back from Hallmark.

O Christmas Tree...
Lastly, we come to the centerpiece of any Christmas decor, my Christmas tree. I have one that's 72" in height, but couple small living space with two couches and a very curious cat, and that tree is going to have to ttay in storage for a while. Fortunately, there are always alternatives.

This tree is a little over 24" high, and it's fiber optic. So no matter how curious the cat gets, he can't climb it and he can't knock any ornaments off. This is perfectly suited to my needs for the time being.
I have other Christmas decorations -- glasses and plates, dishtowels, a table runner, and a mountain of cardboard cutouts -- but I haven't put them up yet. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.
But at least I got this much accomplished. And if it stays at this much, it's festive enough for me.
Wow, you really went all out. I mean, I only put up a tree (though I tend to be a super perfectionist about it, making sure it's, well, perfect-looking), some outside lights, a couple Christmas themed candles and a creepy looking Santa on my bookshelf. I don't even have those metal things on which to hang stockings. (No fireplace, you know.)
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I like all your decorations! Looks good, Joe. I'm sure your mom would love 'em, too. :)
What metal things? We used to use thumb tacks... no fireplace either, you know.
ReplyDeleteGlad you like my decorations. Wait until I have a house again... :)